I wish I could say I took the photo below, but I did not. It was taken by the uber-talented photojournalist Zoriah Miller (Please visit www.zoriah.net to see his excellent work, and consider financially supporting tireless photojournalism). It's a wonderful candid image of Jerry Delakas, who's run a newsstand in New York City's East Village for the past quarter-century. It's a great portrait of a purveyor of a rapidly disappearing facet of life, when so many get their news from websites and Twitter updates.
Photo: Zoriah Miller
Why am I posting this? Because New York City, through its network of red tape and bureaucracy, is threatening to toss Mr. Delakas' piece of the American Dream from Cooper Square like so many discarded newspapers, and that's a shame. It's a shame to see things like this happen to a small business owner.
Mr. Delakas was willed the business license by the owner, who died several years ago. He's a neighborhood fixture, and runs the stand seven days a week.
So, all this to say, I'd encourage you to visit www.savejerry.com, look at the photos and read Jerry's story, and sign the petition to allow him to keep his business, his livelihood.
In a NY Daily News story earlier this spring, Larry Schultz, who lives across from Mr. Delakas' stand, said: "Jerry's here rain, snow, sleet, blistering heat. ... He's just a real important part of our community. We think the world of him.