They were there.
And then, they weren’t.
We are still here. We still have today. What will we do with it?
Read MoreThey were there.
And then, they weren’t.
We are still here. We still have today. What will we do with it?
Read MoreI think we can skip the part where I talk about how stressful 2020 was, because, honestly, WE ALL KNOW. It was a year unlike any other and here’s hoping things get better in 2021.
I don’t want to close out the year dwelling on the bad, because as I look back at this year I see all the things that were still good, and for which I’m thankful.
I’m certainly grateful for increased time with my family, and having to purposefully slow down sometimes and learn to enjoy the moment. I’m thankful that I have remained employed with an organization I believe in and care about, doing work that I love.
And while the spring and summer were veritable wastelands when it came to photo work, I’m thankful for how busy I was in fall, with the opportunity to photograph so many wonderful individuals. Not to mention, having some time to experiment with some new lighting and techniques. It’s always good to exercise new muscles, photographically speaking.
I’m thankful for the families who have trusted me for several years to capture photos of their growing families, just as I’m grateful for the families who have taken a chance on me for the first time.
I’m thankful for the couples who have trusted me to document their love stories, whether they’re just beginning, renewing their vows, or remarrying each other after years apart.
I’m thankful for the businesses who have allowed me to help them tell the story of who they are through images. (And brand photography is something I’m focused on really ramping up in 2021).
After 15 years as a photographer, there is no joy lost in capturing images. And despite all that 2020 has thrown at us, I am resolute to not have my joy in the simple things shaken, nor my vision for the future dimmed.
To those who retained my services in 2020, thank you for trusting me.
To all of you, here are my warmest wishes for a happy new year!
And now, some of my favorite images captured in 2020…
In four very short (and yet somehow very long) years, something I’ve learned about fatherhood is the importance of moments — both embracing them as they’re happening, and holding on to the memory.
I hold tight the memory of sitting by my son’s bedside in the NICU the night of his birth, his tiny hand grasping my finger. It was an overwhelming joy to cradle him in my arms as a nurse took our first photo together. It is in those first hours of parenthood that one really feels the monumental shift in life and its priorities.
I treasure our first holiday photos together as a family, holding our young child close in our arms, celebrating the gift of his coming into our lives.
And even now, at 4 years old, as he runs on a practically endless supply of energy from the moment he wakes up, I value both the photos I snap of him hard at work at his play, and the moments when he falls asleep and I can hold him close.
All we have now are the moments we are given, and there is endless value in making the most of those moments. And one day, all we will have are the memories we hold close.
It is important to preserve these moments in your life. As Father’s Day approaches, I’ve extended my spring promotion, providing an opportunity to capture photos of your family that will be treasured for years to come. Click here for details and to reserve a spot today.
It would be an honor to photograph your family.
This is a long time coming.
First off, after more than 15 years as a photographer, I will forever hold that it does not take some stroke of genius you're born with to be a great photographer. The camera is just a tool, and you can learn how to unlock and develop your creative vision.
That's why I'm very thrilled to announce that signups are now open for the 2020 Genius Not Required Workshop, on Feb. 22, 2020. Whether you got a new camera for Christmas and have no idea what to do next, or simply want to get better, this workshop is for you.
Through a combination of engaging lecture time, photo-walking and a live shoot and editing session, you'll walk away from the day with a full photo toolkit including:
An understanding and grasp of shooting with your camera in manual mode
Composition and posing essentials that you can use whether you shoot on a DSLR, film camera, or smartphone
How to get great images in ANY kind of light, and even with “boring” locations
Working with non-model subjects and making them feel comfortable
Essentials for editing your images for impact
And so much more.
Click here for more info and to sign up for only $150 (50% due at signup). This workshop is limited to only 20 people.
It's finally feeling a bit like fall here in Southern California, and I'm loving it. Before you know, Thanksgiving will be here.
And here's something extra to be thankful for...due to changes in holiday travel plans this year, I've been able to open up a few extra spots for family photos. If you missed the deadline to register for this month's sessions, this is a great opportunity you don't want to miss.
I have limited spots available on Friday, Nov. 29, and Saturday, Nov. 30. Click here for full details and to RSVP.
What's different about this year's sessions is that you have the opportunity to pick from one of TWO different locations, each with its own unique feel. Whether you need to capture photos for this year's Christmas card or simply want to take advantage of your family being together, this is a great opportunity for a fun, relaxed photoshoot.
This is a great opportunity to both capture photos of your family, especially when everyone's together for the holiday.
I'm looking forward to seeing you!
I get it. You like that photo you had taken years ago. But guess what? Unless you work exclusively via email and phone calls, your clients are going to see what you look like now and realize you're not 15-years-ago you anymore.
Read MoreLive music is always a lot of fun to shoot. It can be energetic, engrossing, unpredictable, and exhilerating. There’s nothing like watching someone really pour every ounce of energy into their art and performance, and trying to capture that.
The last night of my 30s, I jumped at the chance to head down to Hollywood and photograph my friend Kaybe as she and her band played a stellar set at The Study, a really cool library-themed venue.
Check out her music on Apple Music, find her on Instagram at @thekaybe. She also recently did a great interview with Voyage LA.